A Celebration of Life

Join Us in Keeping Ocean Beach Clean and Celebrating David Hendon

Trashy beaches don’t necessarily come to mind while you’re thinking about the fine weather in the forecast for the first weekend of summer, but the trash is there!

We’re doing our part to combat the problem.

At beaches all around Ocean Beach, the big picture is scenic — breathtaking really. But upon close inspection, trash, beer cans, and plastics are found.

That’s why we’re rolling out an incentivized plan to help get the community and tourists involved in actively helping to keep the beach clean. We’ll be supplying customers with beach buckets to take with them on their next outing. When the bucket is filled up and returned, you get a beer for a penny (because we can’t legally give away free beer)!

Celebrate the Life of David Hendon

Please join us in celebrating the life of David Hendon. David, a beloved member of the Ocean Beach community known for his generosity, who tragically lost his life in a car accident over Memorial Day weekend. His roommate and friend, Marc Gervais, was also seriously injured and suffered a heart attack during the incident.

Helo Clean Up our Beach

We have partnered with Submerge Church and Love Thy Neighborhood to ensure this initiative has a positive impact. We invite you to come together to honor David’s memory and raise funds for Marc’s recovery. The celebration will be held this Saturday, July 27th, at 12 PM at Wild Ales.

Event Details

  • Beach Cleanup: 12 PM (noon)
  • Complimentary Toast: 2 PM at the Wild Ales tasting room

Let’s keep our beaches beautiful and come together as a community to support each other in times of need.

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